new year resolutions business goals

Our New Year’s Resolutions at HMA

It’s that time of year to start making a change or two in your life and hop on the road to fulfillment and success. At HMA, we are all committed to making a few changes to better ourselves both professionally and personally:

Taylor would like to improve his professional skill set and push himself to take on more challenging tasks, such as web development programming, while making his co-workers’ jobs a little easier. As an interactive design artist, he hopes to produce high profile film projects this year and looks forward to moving to the Lancaster area.

In preparation for becoming a meticulous timekeeper, Kris plans to begin the New Year by taking control of her tasks—reviewing her schedule every day to keep things tidy as she does in other aspects of her life! Satisfying clients’ needs is a big goal this year. Transparency is important for both her clients’ needs and hers. Personally, Kris wants to engage in leisurely reading as this has been neglected in past years of her life. She may find that she has found a new love…next to running of course.

Drew is very passionate about all of her employees succeeding in their every day life and at work. She would like us, as well as herself, to expand our collective technology proficiency in order to reflect on the “bigger” picture. Taking a step back and reviewing our goals is essential as she hopes this will improve our decisions and positively impact our results. Drew has always been grateful for all that she has, but would like to acknowledge this gratitude more as she has many things to be thankful for: her friends, family, and the moments she will be able to look back on and know she is blessed.

Kim is called upon to generate much of the content for our various client projects. As a writer, she hopes to improve on her best practices, putting her best results forward. As the market is ever-changing, her hope to gain more insight on marketing strategies in the B2B arena is a top priority. In lieu of writing professional content, she wants to devote more time to personal writing including submissions to online journals. At the same time, she is staying focused on health, personal well-being, and maintaining her relationships with loved ones.

Mandy’s top priority is to spend more time with family and friends—writing letters and making physical visits with her loved ones would be more beneficial in her eyes. Similar to Kris, Mandy would like to engage in leisurely reading, trying to tackle at least one book every month. In the workplace, she would like to improve on her time-management skills. Creating a schedule every week will help keep her on track, as she hopes to dedicate more time every week to focus solely on brainstorming new ideas for clients, while reflecting on successes!

Reaching for new adventures, Zach hopes to take the plunge and go skydiving this year, as he has a knack for new places and new experiences. His strong interests in technology prompt him to be on the front line of expansion for Google Glass—one of his favorite gadgets. In his professional career, he would like to create brand awareness for Workhorse Development, a still-growing sister company here at HMA.

Colleen would like to increase brand awareness for HMA and continue to position all its employees as thought leaders through our real-time media channels. In turn, this would create more engaging content, blog posts and videos to tell the story of HMA. As we sometimes get caught up in our job responsibilities, we can make twice as much work for ourselves. Colleen hopes she can create a more effective and efficient time management system for herself to help achieve her objectives in half the time.

New Year’s Resolutions are a thing of the past for Rita. She states, “With age comes wisdom.” She classifies her resolutions as “goals.” In hopes of the New Year presenting more opportunities, Rita is looking forward to spending more time with friends and family, while also taking time to get away and go out to enjoy what the world has to offer. Her professional goals are to find ways to streamline internal processes that work best while improving proficiency with each task. Her motivation? As Nike says, “Just Do It.”

As for me, I would like to build more relationships with my clients and co-workers, while improving on my communication skills and time management abilities in the workplace. Staying organized is the best way to stay prioritized and ahead of the game. Personally, I would like to be more passionate about achieving intellectual growth—engage in new learning experiences—and strive for more opportunities that allow me to be more involved with family and friends.

Happy New Year! What are your resolutions?

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