35 Days of HMA Trivia Contest: DAY 33

The answer to today’s trivia contest question: things go wrong when in close proximity to Drew.

The Dorgan Effect is something you want to avoid. If you leave the house for work with your outfit intact feeling fully collected and step foot in the HMA office, look out! You will spill coffee down your shirt or onto your keyboard, your coffee order will somehow be missed in the office Starbuck’s run or you will knock over your trash can. If you experience one or all of these mishaps, you are definitely under the Dorgan Effect. There’s no true remedy, so we learn to take it in stride. And laugh at ourselves in the process.

How well do you think you know the current HMA team and the agency’s history? As part of HMA’s 35th anniversary celebration, you are invited to play along with our 35 Days of HMA Trivia Contest. Follow us on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter and respond to the question posted by 4:00 p.m. EST. The contest will run for 35 weekdays – Monday-Friday, May 9-June 27. People who submit 10 answers or more by 4 p.m. EST on June 27 will be eligible to win a custom-designed HMA 35th anniversary t-shirt.

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