social media images

Why social media images make a difference

If you are trying to sell someone a product or service, then you must be a marketer, at least to some degree. With this role, comes great responsibility. Not one of saving the world, thank goodness. That’s a little much to ask of us marketers. It is one of thoughtfulness and intent. And one area especially, you must not ignore, is social media. Why can you not ignore it? Because almost everyone uses it! You need to be in front of your audience. Not only does that mean being where they are, but also engaging them. The best way to do this? Social media images.

The mood and circumstance people interact with the networks is essential to selecting the right social media image. Facebook feels more casual and friendly, where as Instagram feels more artistic and curated. Thanks filters! Twitter affords the opportunity to look professional. LinkedIn goes even further in that respect. Snapchat is a 180 degree switch, and is one of the most personal networks. Tapping into the disposition of your followers will amplify your social media images’ effectiveness. Keep in mind that it’s not really about you. It’s about them. Yes, you’re selling your product, your service or your team, but the immediate goal is to form a relationship. And focusing on what they think and feel does that.

Images are worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, and now unlimited characters on Twitter! Those unspoken words conjure all kinds of emotions. Make your goal to leave your audience with emotions that will keep them interacting with you time and time again. In fact, according to a study by Buffer, tweets with photos earned 150 percent more retweets and 18 percent more clicks. Engagement leads to brand recognition and leaves your audience with huge amounts of trust. Don’t approach social media images lightly, as they are irreplaceable in our current marketing landscape.

Always remember your audience and their situation, as well as the emotions you want to leave them with via the social media images you choose. You’ll be a marketing maven in no time!

To learn more about engaging your target audience on social media, read our three tips for a successful social media experience.

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