Social Means Ranking

In the heavy industrial B2B marketing world of ours, we find so many of our clients exploring social media, but not engaging on a corporate level. Our clients have good reason for this. First of all, it hasn’t been proven that their customers (plant managers, chemical formulators, etc.) are using social networks. There is also the overwhelmingly large need for a full understanding of liability and the legal issues surrounding responses. And as with all great scientific discoveries in the chemical and industrial world, there are past histories to be acknowledged and new fears to be allayed.

But there is a new sense of urgency for our clients to participate at some level in social media. The biggest of these is that both Google, Yahoo and Bing use social engagement as an important metric in search engine rankings. The more mentions, links and ties through social media, the more the search engines increase relevancy.

Are you thinking of exploring social media, or do you still have reservations?

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