Surely by now, if you have experience with digital marketing, you’ve at least seen Google Analytics or already had extensive one-on-one time with its metrics. Analytics is a wonderful tool adapted to measure the ins and outs of your website’s traffic flow. However, one can argue Google provides almost too much data. To maximize your results it’s important to analyze the right data without over analyzing.
It’s always important to see how many visitors your site is netting along with how many pages are being viewed, but it’s also important to take other things into account. Bounce rate is one of the most important metrics you can follow, showing you how relevant your content is. How effective is your site? You might have 20,000 monthly visitors, but if 80% of these visitors immediately leave or bounce from your site, it’s obvious something is wrong. How long are visitors staying on each page? Internet users’ attention spans mimic that of a goldfish’s memory. It’s important your site is laid out using proper site architecture and is SEO friendly to guarantee visitors can get in and get the information they need without much distraction. If used wisely, analytics can be a remarkable and vital measurement tool.
What metrics do you find you follow the most?