
globalHMA is WBENC-Certified

Who is WBENC

WBENC, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, is the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in the United States. As a non-profit organization, WBENC advocates for women entrepreneurs and helps women-owned businesses thrive through various programs, events, networking opportunities, and educational resources.

To achieve WBENC certification, a business must be at least 51% owned, controlled, operated, and managed by one or more women.

The process

We obtained our WBENC certification through a thorough, detailed process over 90 days. We prepared all necessary documentation, including company history, financial data, and personnel and management information.

After submitting the documentation, we participated in an interview and site visit. The Certification Committee then completed a full review to ensure we met all criteria.

Making progress

We are excited to be part of the nearly 40% of women-owned businesses in Pennsylvania1 and have our official WBENC Certification. When Drew and Amanda began working together 20 years ago, being a woman-owned business posed significant challenges. They kept globalHMA’s women-owned status quiet to gain entry into predominantly male-run companies.

Today, supplier diversity is a key initiative across many industries. Incorporating diverse-owned vendors, partners, and suppliers brings a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and opportunities to businesses.

Thousands of corporations, including many of America’s most distinguished brands and government entities, recognize and accept the WBENC gold-standard Certification. Their theme, “Join Forces. Succeed Together,” emphasizes that greater achievements come from collaboration and shared ambitions. We are thrilled to have WBENC’s support and proudly display their seal alongside our name!

  1. Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development ↩︎

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