
Facebook advertising as we know it

Convenience. Accuracy. Cost efficiency.

Businesses are continuously embracing the newly learned benefits of using Facebook advertising. It has allowed companies to grow their brand and reach their target market in ways they have never been able to before. Below, we will dive a little deeper into how advertising your brand on Facebook is a can’t-miss opportunity.

At the end of the third quarter of 2017, Facebook had over 2 billion monthly active users. According to Pew research, almost 80% of all internet dwellers use Facebook. The population of the platform is vast, diverse, and committed to the site. As the most popular social media platform across the globe, there’s no shortage of audience potential. Fortunately, companies have the opportunity to get in front of this large pool of prospective customers/clients.

Depending on their service or product, companies can zero in on their target market based on specific user demographics. Advertisements are also only shown to the users who are most likely to find their way onto your website by selecting desired traits and interests that will associate best with your advertising campaign. This is one of the most targeted forms of marketing in the toolbox right now.

Facebook advertising, in itself, is also cost-efficient and effective in a couple of other ways:

  1. Resources are allocated toward people who are likely to find their way to your site, and not at all to the people who are unlikely to utilize your product/service.
  2. It allows a business to budget out exactly how much money they are willing to dedicate to their campaign.
  3. You can create custom audiences based on your current website demographic to capture more look-alikes.
  4. You can easily measure goal conversions based on the ads you create.

Of course, how much money you place into your budget for Facebook advertising is also a part of how much or how little your ads are shown to your target market. Most commercial forms of advertising are not quite as flexible in the way they reach their audience. With Facebook, companies are able to humanize themselves with their customer base and communicate on a more intimate level than other forms of advertising. This will all be especially important as it relates to the recent Facebook algorithm change.

Based on experience, Facebook is one very worthwhile investment you can make as a business in the current marketing landscape.

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