‘Tis the season for many – to give, volunteer your time and go on an all-out kindness streak. Although I am sure all of these wonderful gestures are appreciated during the holiday season, I find it a bit unfortunate that they are not always quite as ‘remembered’ throughout the rest of the year. Don’t get me wrong – I know there are plenty of kindness warriors out there, fighting for their cause each and every day, but what can we do to help others on a more regular basis?
I have to say I am proud of so many of my colleagues at HMA. I will randomly discover some of the volunteer work they have been doing or just hear a quick story that makes me thankful to be a part of a team that spends its time helping others.
Just to give you a few examples of how this crew likes to give back – one of our account coordinators, Katie Klinger, recently explained that she donates her hair to Locks of Love when she gets a haircut – at least eight inches each time! This is just one small way she can help others.
Zach Satko, our account director and supreme dog-lover, took pictures for the Lancaster Humane League’s Tailwagger’s Trot just a few weeks ago. We are truly surprised he hasn’t adopted multiple dogs by now.
Colleen Hofmann, our interactive marketing manager, often volunteers her Saturday mornings to serve breakfast to the less fortunate in downtown Lancaster. There are so many things that can be done within your own community that really add up and leave a great impact.
As an agency, we also strive to live a life of service. Whether it’s collecting food items for our donation bin, participating in local events or using our agency talents to advance a cause – I can honestly say everyone here is eager to find a way to help.
How do you donate your time during the holidays and every other day of the year? If you’re looking for more opportunities to do so, hop on to Volunteer Match for a few ideas.