B2B Content Corner
Marketing media news
Organic vs. paid social media content
In today’s marketing world, it can be difficult to decide the content on which you should focus your efforts. The type of content – organic or paid – you use will depend…
How community relations can benefit your company
You may have heard that building a strong relationship and close ties with residents and other businesses in your community can have a large impact on your business—a positive one. This is…
Five steps to writing engaging and compelling copy
You have blog posts, Facebook ads, and Instagram captions to write for your business’s social media and website, but how do you write them in a way that will engage your audience?
Marketing campaign analytics and IP addresses
It’s important to measure the success or engagement of a marketing campaign using Google Analytics or a tool that allows you to capture analytics data. However, many don’t account for the traffic…
What Is GDPR, and how can you protect your company?
What is this GDPR that we’re hearing about from the European Union (EU) and why, according to Mashable, has it been outranking Beyoncé searches on Google? GDPR stands for General Data Protection…
How affiliate marketing can strengthen your business
Like most businesses, establishing a core brand requires a community of consumers and partnerships. How does one go about building a community? There are several sought-out marketing tactics that boost the followership…