B2B Content Corner
Marketing media news
How B2B Companies Can Benefit From Newsjacking
What is newsjacking? Newsjacking is a term coined by David Meerman Scott meaning “the process by which you inject your ideas or angles into breaking news, in real-time, in order to generate…
10 PR Mistakes Your Company Could Be Making
It’s hard to create a voice for your client, but it can be even harder for a client to find a voice that listens when it comes to PR. Public relations has been…
A Case Study of Integrating IT with Account Service
After reflecting upon an article on the Marketo Blog shared by Drew regardng the relationship between marketers and their IT departments, I thought it would be insightful to share a recent story of…
How Mobile Apps Are Changing the Platform for B2B Engagement
As mobile apps are on the rise, smart phone users are able to take advantage of the many applications that reign over the digital world. For those in the B2B world, professionals…
Match Caterpillar’s #BuiltForIt Campaign on a Budget
If you’re in the construction industry, in fact, even if you’re not, you may have noticed Caterpillar’s most recent and ongoing #BuiltForIt campaign. If you haven’t yet seen any of the video…
GF-6/PC-11: It’s Time To Strut Your Stuff
With multiple button and banner ads mentioning the upcoming ILSAC GF-6/PC-11 performance specifications surrounding the post, F+L Weekly reported that the license dates for both have unofficially slipped back yet again. This time to…