B2B Content Corner
Marketing media news
The new season and new ways to connect
Fall — the start of a new school year, a new football season, and tradeshow season. Everything has kicked into high gear after a summer of beach visits/mountain visits/vacations. As a child,…
Dealing with that COVID cranky feeling
I am COVID cranky. Are you? The signs Being irritable with your spouse, yelling at the dog, hating all meals, especially hating having to still cook so many meals, feeling tired ALL THE…
Tips on building relationships when you can’t meet face-to-face
We’ve adapted and adjusted, and still things don’t feel right in our business. Most of us are still asking, “How can we do it? How will we network?” and “How will we…
Are you a parts person, or a whole picture person?
Most of us spend most our time looking at the tools for marketing— looking at the parts. We spend much less time looking at the whole—that is, our overall strategy for reaching…
Make your marketing data actionable
Time to do everything seems to be in short supply, and we’re all exhausted. We’ve been adapting to working from home, dealing with the pandemic, facing economic uncertainty, and now absorbing and…
10 tips for the virtual workplace
For us, new ways of working equals new ways of engaging with customers, so we’ve been exploring the potential in virtual meetings. We’re all working like this now– we must do business…