B2B Content Corner
Marketing media news
Fracking and Its digital perception
Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly referred to as fracking, has been the topic of hot debate over the past few years. Fracking is the process of using high-pressured water, sand and chemicals to…
Google rebrands Webmaster Tools, announces ‘Search Console’
On May 20, Google announced after nearly a decade, the company will be renaming the Google Webmaster Tools service to Google Search Console. Google is making this change to appeal to more…
Is content really king?
“Content is king.” 19 years ago, Bill Gates coined that phrase, and it remains true. How can a business determine the most effective content marketing practices to reach their goals?
Where do we go from here? Marketing an environmental phase-out
“With great power, comes great responsibility.” Yes, I’m a huge nerd. And, yes, this quote comes courtesy of Uncle Ben from the Spiderman comics. But, all too often in the business world,…
Eye-catching eds: A moving experience
Have you ever come across a portrait with eyes seeming to follow you? Or a photograph so mesmerizing it appears to be moving? If so, then it’s probably safe to say you were…
10 digital tools you aren’t using, but should be
Let’s face it. There are tons of digital tools for the web and social media just waiting for you to use. However, there are so many tools and new trends, it’s hard…