B2B Content Corner
Marketing media news
Marry your digital tools in an integrated marketing I do
Over the past few months, people consumed our blog using three tools: Google AdWords, real-time media and marketing automation. We’ve collectively expressed the huge impact these tools can have in promoting and telling the story of your company…
Why you should plan ahead with a real-time media schedule
When I find the time, I love planning ahead. I write out my to-do lists at the end of the day in preparation for the next. I’ll schedule real-time media updates, queue…
Leads, leads, leads: Linking marketing and sales
We often get asked the question: how can my marketing team prove their efforts are attracting leads and converting sales for the company? My answer? Marketing automation can help you link both marketing and sales.
Finding time for marketing automation
Historically, marketing involved far fewer tools than are available to marketers today. A whole other world exists for your brand to live. While digital marketing evolved very quickly, the support within marketing departments…
User experience isn’t just for apps
While the terms user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are often blurred together, they are two very different parts of the development of a product. User interface involves the design and interactions…
Leads, leads, leads: Working through the sales funnel
Oh, the sales funnel! Is there any tool in the world of marketing that has been around longer than this dinosaur? Maybe dinosaur isn’t the right word. Technically, it hasn’t become extinct;…