B2B Content Corner
Marketing media news
How stale content could be affecting your website and search rankings
Creating a website takes careful planning and mapping of your content, including what you will showcase to your customers or clients. Once you create your website and add all of the necessary…
Marketing automation for events
Planning an event can be stressful. Whether you’re planning a tradeshow, dinner or mixer, there are a lot of details to nail down. The one thing you can’t control? The exact number…
User intent: an important approach to SEM & SEO
To complement Jamie’s post on buyer personas and their importance in marketing automation, let’s focus on knowing your target market and their user intent in search marketing. Identifying user intent is nothing new…
Recognize personas in marketing automation
Understanding marketing automation begins with understanding who your audience is and what will make them engage. You cannot build a successful campaign without first constructing an audience-specific strategy. What does this mean?…
Gain followers and get that “aha” social media moment
If you’re anything like me, you experience this sort of “aha” moment when you’re learning a new skill. Everything seems to click and you find success. Improving interaction and increasing followers on your…
Marketing hot spots for 2017
Goodbye 2016, and hello 2017! I can’t say that I am sorry to see 2016 go for many reasons, but the predictions I have for 2017 are fun and encouraging.