16 Free Social Media Listening Tools
Communication is 50% listening and 50% talking. Most masters of communication are often better at listening than they are at talking. There are a rare few that can equally master both. I’m certainly
Communication is 50% listening and 50% talking. Most masters of communication are often better at listening than they are at talking. There are a rare few that can equally master both. I’m certainly
This past Sunday I participated in the March for Babies. The March of Dimes, with a goal of getting one step closer to help moms have full-term pregnancies, hosts this event every
Churning out work. Multi-tasking. Chaos. We thrive on all of these things at HMA. But lately we’ve been so busy we haven’t even had time to acknowledge Innovation Day. It’s the day
There are so many resources out there today and to just to pick a few is a challenge. For me to stay in the groove of things, I find myself surfing the web
178 is the number. According to an Altimeter Group study, this is the average number of social media accounts that exist across large companies. And that number is only expected to increase as
Surely by now, if you have experience with digital marketing, you’ve at least seen Google Analytics or already had extensive one-on-one time with its metrics. Analytics is a wonderful tool adapted to measure
When I first heard the news about Kodak filing for Chapter 11 on January 19, 2012, I was instantly brought back to the memory of a 5-year-old girl with pigtails running around
2012 will be the year of many things. A leap year. A presidential election. Some think the end of times. But 2012 will most certainly be the year of video. According to
Ever think that you’re too technical to be creative? You prefer math problems over illustrations and your greatest portrait consisted of 4 lines and a circle? Well you don’t need to restrict
There are some SEO practices that have become common when developing a new site (ability to edit title and meta tags, image alt properties, etc.) and there are others that can sometimes