
Direct to inbox: Email marketing best practices

Email campaigns remain crucial for businesses to connect directly with their audiences in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape. Crafting compelling emails involves creativity, data-driven insights, and – most importantly – providing your subscribers with valuable information and assets to keep them engaged. Here are some essential best practices to remember as you plan for your next send:

1. Subscriber list hygiene

Maintaining a clean and engaged subscriber list is fundamental to the success of your email campaigns. Regularly clean your list by removing inactive or bounced email addresses. This ensures your messages reach those genuinely interested, improving your open rates and overall engagement metrics. 

Consider implementing reactivation campaigns to re-engage dormant subscribers. These campaigns can help identify active subscribers who may have temporarily lost interest, allowing you to tailor future communications more effectively. Additionally, emails should include options for subscribers to manage their preferences or unsubscribe, respecting their choices and minimizing spam complaints. Complying with GDPR rules is critical. 

2. Authenticate your email sender address

Without email authentication, you might as well throw everything into the spam folder. Authenticating an email address before sending your email helps reduce the risk of being marked as spam since it is being sent from an authorized server. 

3. A/B testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing various elements of your emails. Experiment with different subject lines, email copy, calls-to-action (CTAs), visuals, and send times to identify what resonates best with your audience. By systematically testing these variables, you can uncover valuable insights that drive higher open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and, ultimately, conversions. Remember to test one variable at a time to attribute changes in performance accurately.

4. The importance of a good subject line

Your subject line is the first impression. What will encourage opens? Use personalization, intriguing questions, urgency, emojis, or offers to grab attention. Avoid spammy language and misleading promises, as they can damage your brand’s credibility and increase the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam. 

5. Personalizing emails

Personalization goes beyond addressing subscribers by their first name. Leverage data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, or demographics to tailor content that speaks directly to each subscriber’s interests and preferences. Segment your audience based on relevant criteria and deliver personalized messages. This approach fosters stronger connections, increases engagement, and enhances the likelihood of conversions.

6. Provide valuable assets for subscribers

Offering valuable content or assets in your emails is crucial for engaging subscribers. Whether exclusive content, insightful articles, downloadable resources, or early access to new products, ensure that each email provides tangible value to your audience. This encourages opens and clicks, builds trust, and reinforces the value of subscribing to your brand.

7. In this case, looks matter

Keep the most essential bit of information in your email above the fold. We don’t have much time to capture and keep attention, and we want recipients to get the good stuff first. 

Secondly, each email you send should also have brand consistency. Develop templates for brand reinforcement and recognition. 

8. Test, and test again

Everything may look like it’s in its place, but all email clients differ. Test your email across different platforms, such as Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail, etc. You want to ensure the design and layout are supported by each one or at least have the opportunity to create fallback styles where needed. Mobile-friendliness is also critical. 

There are many considerations, essential details, and nuances in email marketing, whether with copy, design, list management, sending, or measuring. A procedural yet thoughtful approach will ultimately set you up for sustained growth, credibility, and stronger relationships.

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