While it’s great for collaboration, HMA’s open office concept can sometimes create challenging auditory distractions. That’s why a set of earbuds are part of the standard welcome package to new HMA employees, and they’re also the answer to today’s trivia question.
Apple crunching, ice machine crushing, sporadic guffaws, foot tapping and conference calls—all noises that can be slightly distracting. That’s when we pop in the earbuds and plug into music to escape the commotion. Tuning out now!
How well do you think you know the current HMA team and the agency’s history? As part of HMA’s 35th anniversary celebration, you are invited to play along with our 35 Days of HMA Trivia Contest. Follow us on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter and respond to the question posted by 4:00 p.m. EST. The contest will run for 35 weekdays – Monday-Friday, May 9-June 27. People who submit 10 answers or more by 4 p.m. EST on June 27 will be eligible to win a custom-designed HMA 35th anniversary t-shirt.